Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

(The root of the powers of water)

Kether in the Tree of Life Tree of Life: Kether (the eternal, spiritual) through water (the spring of soul)
Astrology: Signs of water

The Ace of Cups shows the way deep into our soul, to detect beauty and trust. It stands for the sources of love, for growing feelings, the desire for a relationship or the readiness to have a friend.

Referring to the Kaballah, the Ace of Cups is attached to Briah - the world of pure feeling and sensitive intention.It is the female counterpart of the Ace of Wands, representing the female element water as a sign for devotion and care.
The card also tells that the beauty and the ugly are two poles belonging together. Without shadow, there's no light - and mud is needed to make liliths blossom.

Drive: The desire to melt in one another, sympathy, devotion, the beginning of a friendship or passion

Light: Emotional capacity, fertility, productiveness

Shadow: Alteration, diffusion, irrational thinking, hysteria, loneliness

- - - | Two of Cups | Three of Cups | Four of Cups | Five of Cups | Six of Cups | Seven of Cups | Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups | Ten of Cups | Knight of Cups | Queen of Cups | Prince of Cups | Princess of Cups

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