Two of Wands - Dominion

Two of Wands - Dominion

Chokmah in the Tree of Life Tree of Life: Chokmah through Fire
Astrology: Mars in the 1. decan of Aries

The power of energy that is born in the Ace is given direction and a goal in the Two of Wands. Chokmah as the power of creation and energy is the best possible surrounding for the flaming forces, the first manifestation following the pure idea, the beginning of transformation.

Yet the card is not talking of consideration, let alone any cares. It comes up strong and recklessly, a wonderful thing when guiding at one good goal or project. Nevertheless, one should take at least a bit care that those wonderful powers won't crush anything around to pieces...

Drive: Courage, determination, the will to conquer

Light: Power, creativity

Shadow: Destruction, shamelessness, revenge, restlessness

Ace of Wands | - - - | Three of Wands | Four of Wands | Five of Wands | Six of Wands
Seven of Wands | Eight of Wands | Nine of Wands | Ten of Wands | Knight of Wands | Queen of Wands
Prince of Wands | Princess of Wands

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