The Corvidae Family
Corvus - First part of a schizophrenia personality
Wings of Darkness

Corvus is the main part of a somewhat remarkable trinity. He's the brain in the triumvirate and is in obvious command. Corvus is not the easiest one to deal with. He's notoriously arrogant and unfriendly and can be aggressive and cynical as well. He's never been fond of humans, firmly believing that they're nothing but a misguided evolutionary mishap, and he harbors dark notions of where it all might end.

Then again, he's fond of operas and symphonies, loves painters such as Turner and Rembrandt, and even enjoys some of Edgar Allan Poe ('The Raven'). He has a lot of philosophical books, but doesn't subscribe to any real philosophy of his own - he prefers his own dark views and uses others as targets for his own rude brand of sarcasm. His favorite book always was and still is Erasmus' 'Praise of Folly'...

Although Corvus doesn't like the 20th century and would vastly prefer a return to the ages when the Druids prevailed, he also has an unnatural interest in physics. RDC and Spooky secretly believe he's just waiting for a horrible, unpredictable accident that might blow up the CERN - which then would give him a good reason to chuckle evilly...

Corvus is a master of the fine art of frightening people and his attitude towards children and women mimics that of W. C. Fields: thinking that both would be best stored somewhere near the North Pole.. He hates human noises and is most happy when it's raining cats and dogs - as when the sky gets it's blackest and no one sane would dare venture outside. He's truly offended when people come calling, disturbing his holy silence. And he sullenly turns off the doorbell when it's time to work.

Corvus is the workaholic within the trio. He's the one always striving to do things to perfection - no matter how long it may take - and the one who puts the true structure and meaning into RDC's mad outbursts and Spooky's romantic flights of fancy...

"There can be only one!"