XII - The Hanged Man

XII - The Hanged Man

Path of Mem 23 in the Tree of Life Uranus as neutralization and inversion, Neptun as spirit of sacrifice, the 12. house as a symbol for metamorphosis through isolation and knowledge
Tree of life: From Geburah to Hod
Element: Water
Number: 12 - the perfect number, symbol of the zodiac, 3 x 4

The Hanged Man is a symbol for the turning points in life, showing up a need to stop and assess a situation. We're hanging in the air until we find a new view of the things around us, a proper way to rearrange or restart.

But the Hanged Man is a 'silent' card - there's no pressing need for change. No big change is waltzing towards us - we can peacefully keep on hanging and complaining. The Hanged Man just shows that we're just 'hanging', he requires a new viewpoint, and sometimes a lot of patience.

In its positive aspect, the card shows the need for a time of consideration, the forced relaxation gives the opportunity to relax and reflect, to sort thoughts and ideas and find a new way to cope with a situation.

Drive: Devotion, acceptance of fate, maturity

Light: Overcoming the ego, changing life, a new sight of the world

Shadow: standstill, rejection, loss of perspective

0 - The Fool | 1 - The Magician | 2 - The High Priestess | 3 - The Empress | 4 - The Emperor | 5 - The Hierophant
6 - The Lovers | 7 - The Chariot | 8 - Adjustment | 9 - The Hermit | 10 - Wheel of Fortune | 11 - Lust (Passion)
- - - | 13 - The Death | 14 - The Art | 15 - The Devil | 16 - The Tower | 17 - The Star
18 - The Moon | 19 - The Sun | 20 - Aeon (Judgement) | 21 - The Universe (World)

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