XIV - The Art

XIV - The Art (Alchemy)

Path of Samekh 25 in the Tree of Life Mercur as ruler of Virgin and House 6 - balance and harmony in motion
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Tree of life: From Yesod to Tiphareth
Element: Fire
Number: 14 as two times the 7, adjustment of destiny

The Art represents the art of alchemy, the ability to solve and combine, to turn something plain into something precious.

The Art is the symbol for the right mixture, the perfect balance, standing for harmony, beauty and peace. But the trump can also show that sides that were previously ignored should be lived out and that contrasts should be put together to enrich the inner spectrum with new perspectives.

From a personal view the 'solve et coagula' can mean that there is a need to leave a fixed position, to retire, watch and then go back again to combine on a new basis.

Drive: 'Solve et coagula' - dissolve and combine

Light: Balance and harmony, fulfillness, creation, peace

Shadow: Getting into extremes, splitting up and tearing apart

0 - The Fool | 1 - The Magician | 2 - The High Priestess | 3 - The Empress | 4 - The Emperor | 5 - The Hierophant
6 - The Lovers | 7 - The Chariot | 8 - Adjustment | 9 - The Hermit | 10 - Wheel of Fortune | 11 - Lust (Passion)
12 - The Hanged Man | 13 - The Death | - - - | 15 - The Devil | 16 - The Tower | 17 - The Star
18 - The Moon | 19 - The Sun | 20 - Aeon (Judgement) | 21 - The Universe (World)

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