Upton Sinclair
The Profits of Religion
A Study of Supernaturalism as a Source of Income and a Shield to Privilege

- Bootstrap-Lifting
- Religion

Book One - The Church of the Conquerors
- The Priestly Lie
- The Great Fear
- Slave Regina
- Fresh Meat
- Priestly Empires
- Prayer-Wheels
- The Butcher-Gods
- The Holy Inquisition
- Hell-Fire

Book Two - The Church of Good Society
- The Rainmakers
- The Babylonian Fire-God
- The Medicine-Men
- The Canonization of Incompetence
- Gibson's Preservative
- The Elders
- Church History
- Land and Livings
- Graft in Tail
- Bishops and Beer
- Anglicanism and Alcohol
- Dead Cats
- Suffer Little Children
- The Court Circular
- Horn-Blowing
- Trinity Corporation
- Spiritual Interpretation

Book Three - The Church of the Servant-Girls
- Charity
- God's Armor
- Thanksgiving
- The Holy Roman Empire
- Temporal Power
- Knights of Slavery
- Priests and Police
- The Church Militant
- The Church Triumphant
- God in the Schools
- The Menace
- King Coal
- The Unholy Alliance
- Secret Service
- Tax Exemption
- "Holy History"
- Das Centrum

Book Four - The Church of the Slaves
- Face of Caesar
- Deutschland uber Alles
- Der Tag
- King Cotton
- Witches and Women
- Moth and Rust
- To Lyman Abbott
- The Octopus
- The Industral Shelley
- The Outlook for Graft
- Clerical Camouflage
- The Jungle

Book Five - The Church of the Merchants
- The Head Merchant
- "Herr Beeble"
- Holy Oil
- Rhetorical Black-Hanging
- The Great American Fraud
- Riches in Glory
- Captivating Ideals
- Spook Hunting
- Running the Rapids
- Birth Control
- Sheep

Book Six - The Church of the Quacks
- Tabula Rasa
- The Book of Mormon
- Holy Rolling
- Bible Prophecy
- Koreshanity
- Mazdazan
- Black Magic
- Mental Malpractice
- Science and Wealth
- New Nonsense
- "Dollars Want Me"
- Spirtual Financering
- The Graft of Grace

Book Seven - The Church of the Social Revolution
- Christ and Caesar
- Locust and Wild Honey
- Mother Earth
- The Soap Box
- The Church Machine
- The Church Redeemed
- The Desire of Nations
- The Knowable
- Nature's Insurgent Son
- The New Morality
- Enovi

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