Child in time
RDC's Aerosmith Gallery
A tribute to a rock star

The painting above is called 'Child In Time', and it is just one in a whole series.

So take a walk around my gallery and see what remains from some thirty-odd years passed by.

This site is split in two parts - one being my painted portrait series of Steven Tyler, done mostly between the early 80s and the 90s. They are spread all over the world by now, but here on the website the whole series is still together.

What you see are no computer graphics but paintings, oil on canvas, portraits of a rock'n roll singer and probably nothing more. And yes, it was an exercise in portrait painting, the curiosity to see how many paintings you can do from one and the same face. The result is kind of an ode, a tribute, a story told in unusual terms.

And I hope you will 'read' it...

The second part... well, that's my comic book! ;)

Just for the fun of it.....

Comic Book

The one and only Aerosmith History Book

Watch my complete Aerosmith Comicbook - the band's magnificient history as seen by the wide-eyed adorer. It was done the 'old-fashioned' way, drawings on paper, and it took me a while to decide to bring it into a computer and show it on the web. It simply came from a time when the computer wasn't a part of my life and I was full of distrust against that modern shit in my study. Gosh, that's long from now...

Anyhow, the book starts with the beginning of the band back in 1970 and ends in the time somewhere between 'PUMP' and 'Get A Grip'.

Just click the link on the left or the cartoon below - and enjoy!

There is a comicbook!

As a sidenote, I wonder how many people still can relate to the old stuff. Seems like a world away... back then, I bought the albums on vinyl, and by the time 'Get A Grip' came out, I had a hard time figuring out my brand new computer. As far as I remember, it was 50 Mhz machine with an outrageously generous 200 MB harddrive.

Yep, we're that old...

RDC's Aerosmith Art Gallery Raven's Guestbook
Just in case you want to link to my site...
(and when you just stick in another one's frame,
click my logo to get out of it..)
This site's a part of -
all layouts/artworks created by the Big Old Raven
© 1997-2008 all rights reserved

Oh, before I forget it.. ;)

this website is dedicated
to Mr. Steven Tyler!

Steven Tyler

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© 1997-2008 by The Raven (RDC) - CORAX.COM corax